Tartan Potholder Pattern

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J. & P. Coats “Knit-Cro-Sheen,” Art. A.64, 1 ball each of No. 48 Hunter’s Green and No. 12 Black and a few yards of No. 126 Spanish Red and No. 1 White; or
Clark’s O.N.T. Mercerized Bedspread Cotton, Art. B.504, colors of your own choice; or
J. & P. Coats or Clark’s O.N.T. Pearl Cotton, Art. A. or B.19, Size 5, 4 balls each of No. 48 Hunter’s Green and No. 12 Black and a few yards of No. 126 Spanish Red and No. 1 White.

I’d use Aunt Lydia’s size 10 crochet cotton.

Steel Crochet Hook No. 7(1.65mm).
An 8-inch square of green felt.
A bone ring.

Starting at A on chart with Hunter’s Green, ch 70. 

1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 7 ch, insert hook in next ch, draw loop through, * drop Green, pick up Black, draw through remaining loops on hook, thus changing color (always change color in this manner); working over unused color, make sc in next 5 ch, drop Black, pick up Green and sc in next ch, drop Green, pick up Black, sc in next 5 ch, drop Black, pick up Green, sc in next 9 ch. Repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn. Starting with 2nd row follow chart to C. Repeat chart from A to C 2 more times, then follow chart from B back to A. Break off.

Embroider White cross bars in chain st through center of each Green section and Spanish Red cross bars through each Black section. Cut felt lining slightly larger than pot holder. Pink around edges and sew in place. With Green, sc closely around bone ring. Join and break off. Sew to corner.

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