Potholder 12 Starlight Night

 The pattern includes both US and UK terms. You may create items for both personal and business uses. The only thing I ask is that you not claim the pattern as your own. Thanks

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I used a size US size 6 steel (Eng 3 1/2 , Metric 1.9mm) crochet hook and size 10 cotton crochet thread.

Stitches Used: In US terms


Sl st/sl st—————slip stitch

Dc/dc——————-double crochet

Tr/tr———————treble crochet

Cluster/cluster———(ch 5, holding back on hook the last loop of each dc, make 2 dc in center ch of next loop, thread over and draw through all loops on hook)

Picot———————(ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook)

Pattern in US terms.

FIRST MOTIF Starting at center, ch 5. Join with sl st to form ring.

1st rnd: Ch 13, in ring make (tr, ch 9) 6 times and tr, ch 5, tr in 4th ch of ch-13.

2nd rnd: Ch 3, dc in tr at end of join (this will count as a beginning cluster), *ch 5, dc in next tr, chain 5, cluster.* Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5. Join to first dc.


3rd rnd: Ch 3, dc in joining, * ch 5, dc in next dc, ch 5, make 2 clusters in tip of next cluster. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5, dc in next dc, ch 5, cluster in same st as first dc was made. Join to first dc.


4th rnd: Ch 3, dc in joining, * ch 4, dc in next dc, ch 4, cluster in tip of next cluster, ch 5, cluster in tip of next cluster. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5. Join as before.


5th rnd: Ch 3, dc in joining, * ch 3, dc in next dc, ch 3, cluster in tip of next cluster, ch 9, cluster in tip of next cluster. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 9. Join.


6th rnd: Ch 3, dc in joining, * ch 1, dc in next dc, ch 1, cluster in tip of next cluster, ch 13, cluster over cluster. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 9. Join.


7th rnd: Ch 3, dc in joining, * picot, cluster in tip of next cluster, ch 17, cluster in tip of next cluster. Repeat from * around ending with ch 17. Join. Break off and fasten.


Wash both the crochet piece and the potholder in warm water, and dry at high heat. Then position crochet over potholder, and whipstitch around to attach them together.

Stitches Used: In UK terms


Sl st/sl st—————slip stitch

Tr/tr———————treble crochet

Dtr/dtr—————– double treble crochet

Cluster/cluster———(ch 5, holding back on hook the last loop of each tr, make 2 tr in center ch of next loop, thread over and draw through all loops on hook)

Picot———————(ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook)

Pattern in UK terms.

FIRST MOTIF Starting at center, ch 5. Join with sl st to form ring.

1st rnd: Ch 13, in ring make (dtr, ch 9) 6 times and dtr, ch 5, dtr in 4th ch of ch-13.

2nd rnd: Ch 3, tr in dtr at end of join (this will count as a beginning cluster), *ch 5, tr in next dtr, chain 5, cluster.* Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5. Join to first dtr.


3rd rnd: Ch 3, dtr in joining, * ch 5, dtr in next dtr, ch 5, make 2 clusters in tip of next cluster. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5, dtr in next dtr, ch 5, cluster in same st as first dtr was made. Join to first dtr.


4th rnd: Ch 3, dtr in joining, * ch 4, dtr in next dc, ch 4, cluster in tip of next cluster, ch 5, cluster in tip of next cluster. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5. Join as before.


5th rnd: Ch 3, dtr in joining, * ch 3, dtr in next dtr, ch 3, cluster in tip of next cluster, ch 9, cluster in tip of next cluster. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 9. Join.


6th rnd: Ch 3, dtr in joining, * ch 1, dtr in next dtr, ch 1, cluster in tip of next cluster, ch 13, cluster over cluster. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 9. Join.


7th rnd: Ch 3, dtr in joining, * picot, cluster in tip of next cluster, ch 17, cluster in tip of next cluster. Repeat from * around ending with ch 17. Join. Break off and fasten thread.


Wash both the crochet piece and the potholder in warm water, and dry at high heat. Then position crochet over potholder, and whipstitch around to attach them together.

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